The global epidemic continues to shape the individual, national and international agenda and leads to different internal calculations, situational assessments and future predictions at all levels. No clear answers have yet been given to why and how to come to this point, when and how the anti-virus process will end, and what change and transformation are expected in the post-process.
There are so many questions that human beings will ask themselves about why and how to get there! If there is a mistake, who is the perpetrator?
Is the perpetrator the system that has programmed us to constantly consume more and faster, to pursue more of our pleasures, etc. by constantly provoking us in various ways? Or are we the ones who accept what this system offers as success, satisfaction, victory, etc. and cannot realize that we, as voluntary prisoners of hedonism, have to pay for all of them one day?
Did we misunderstand the “moment”, did we overdo it, were we afraid to think about our future, didn’t we want to face our futility? Did we see the thought patterns that are imposed on us, which we actually enjoy, like “You are the only”, “You are unique”, “You must come first of all”, “There is no more than you” as pretexts, by combining it with our inexhaustible desires, not to give anyone else the right to live? We have so legitimized our desire to have everything, including nature and other living things in ourselves, that we have not realized the extent of our desires and actions? Everything flowed so fast in a certain vicious circle, and seeing it as an excuse for what we did makes it so easy that we couldn’t imagine stopping and looking around? In fact, haven’t they been talking about the fact that since the last half billion years there have been five mass extinctions in the world, where biological diversity has been suddenly and significantly reduced, that human beings have been victims of destruction created by them in the process?
We experience how a virus that we cannot see at the point we have reached can turn our entire system upside down. Nothing can be a direct solution to the problem we are experiencing today, nor can it help us predict the future, including artificial intelligence, augmented reality, machine learning, and the Internet of things, such as technological advances, which we talked about recently. Mankind continues in its simplest form, struggling to survive.
As we strive to survive today, there is something else we do. Even if most of us have never dealt with these issues before, they started talking about “a big change, learning process, chance of purification and awareness, turning inside, seeing the essence within each other, being able to be sympathetic and being “us” instead of “I”. The uneasiness, anxiety, and fear we experience trigger the process, forcing us to promise to be a better person.
Then what? What happens when hope begins to replace fear? These concepts, which we are embraced with today’s life, these temporary situations of agility, apologies from nature, etc. will not be replaced quickly by our endless desires, ambitions and ambitions? What are we most curious about today? When we can return to our normal life routine! What do we talk about the most? From now on we will travel more, consume more, spend more, enjoy life more! Aren’t we, again, who, even in today’s extraordinary conditions, are giving wisely “nothingness” messages on the one hand and still surprisingly creative ideas that are still trying to prove our existence? Although we do not start any sentence without the phrase “it is not possible again”, we are waiting to return to their old days with passion and impatience!
Until today, our world history and personal histories are the witnesses of what is known as “not possible again” but who knows how many events that have happened. While we, who are willing to renounce ourselves, our freedom, our privacy, enough to think about getting a “chip” on our body for fear of getting infected, are ready to sacrifice everything and give up everything for the sake of survival, is it possible to assume that under the current conditions, we will experience one of the moments of “inability to keep that promise” both individually and globally?
Hopefully we will not be right, and the expected break will happen at this point!