“USA 2020 Election and Implication on Turkish-American Relations” Online Panel
It is less than a week to the US Presidential election and some argue that this election is particularly important, as citizens are on balance seemingly more concerned about the fundamental direction of the United States, rather than taxes or social issues. The upcoming US Presidential election is also significant for US – Turkey ties. The relations between the two have been challenging, as we have seen the two have been at odds particularly over Turkey’s acquisition of the S-400 air defence system from Russia. There is also tension over Syria mainly focused on Kurdish-led militias that have partnered with the United States against the Islamic State over Ankara’s strong objections because these groups’ ties with terrorism. Despite the strained relations, during the outbreak of COVID – 19, both countries highlighted NATO solidarity as well as a strong transatlantic bond. Recent developments in Libya also suggest that both sides may be on the same page. Many would question what is next for the US foreign policy towards Turkey and what are the implications of the result of the upcoming US Presidential election on the US – Turkey ties.
Democrat and Republican approaches in bilateral relations will be discussed in the Panel under the moderation of DİPAM Specialist Adinda KHAERANI, with GMF Senior Fellow Jonathan D. KATZ and Southfive Strategies Founder Jason EPSTEIN as speakers.
Topics to be discussed:
- In the year of 2020, why is Turkey critically important to the US interest?
- Review on Trump administration’s policy on the US – Turkey relations.
- Joe Biden’s remarks about Turkey, would this impact the US – Turkey relations and how.
- Possible sanctions over S- 400 purchase and test
- Implications of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea disputes on the US – Turkey ties.
Adinda KHAERANIDİPAM Specialist
Adinda Khaerani joined the Political Communication Institute of Turkish-Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM) as an expert in 2016. Later, she became a non-resident fellow for the Turkish Heritage organization (THO), a Think Tank organization based in Washington DC from November 2019 – June 2020. She contributed with monthly article writing surrounding US-Turkey relations and have published by THO. Her topic of specialization is mainly related to the Maritime Security issue, among others, “Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the US-Turkey ties, ” and “Implication of Aegean Sea conflict between Greece and Turkey on the US-Turkey cooperation” as well as “International cooperation amidst COVID — 19 Crisis. New Chapter for US – Turkey ties?” She also Involved in a weekly brief podcast for the THO. Currently, she is planning to join the contributor program at the THO.
In her previous career, after obtaining her Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Mass Communications from the London School of Public Relations-Jakarta in December 2009, she joined the Press Section at the Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan – Jakarta from 2010-2011 as an Assistant to the Press Attaché.
In April 2011, she joined the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey – Jakarta as a Personal Assistant to the Ambassador and resigned in October 2012 as she was granted a Scholarship from the Turkish Government and enrolled in master’s program in 2013, majoring in Political Science and International Relations.
She wrote her master’s thesis with the title of “The role of ASEAN in Conflict Management in the Case of South China Sea Disputes,” and later obtained her MA in Political Science and International Relations in 2016. With the experience of studying in Turkey, she speaks three languages: Bahasa Indonesian (native), English (fluent) and Turkish (conversation and limited business level).
Jason EPSTEINSouthfive Strategies LLC
Jason Epstein is a consultant with more than a quarter-century of professional experience in government relations, media affairs, and cultural outreach. He founded Southfive Strategies, LLC in November 2002, a consultancy providing clients access to members of the executive branch, congressional leaders, important media organizations, business leaders, think tanks, and human rights organizations.
Clients have included the Turkish Embassy in Washington, Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus’ Washington office, Muslim World League in Mecca, Azerbaijan
Diplomatic Academy in Baku, Bahcesehir University in Istanbul, World Jewish Restitution Organization in Jerusalem, American Cinema Foundation in Los Angeles, and The Israel Project in Washington.
Epstein served as an adjunct lecturer at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul in 2013 and at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius in 2014.
He was a National Review Online contributor from 2011-15 and his byline has also
appeared in The Washington Examiner, The Federalist, and Hurriyet Daily News.
From 1997 until 2003, Epstein worked as the director of legislative affairs at B’nai
B’rith International, the world’s most recognized Jewish service organization.
From 1992 until 1997, he worked as a legislative aide for US Congressman Benjamin A. Gilman, who became Chairman of the House International Relations Committee in 1995.
Epstein obtained a law degree from American University’s Washington College of
Law and earned a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from AU’s Kogod
School of Business. He is a graduate of the State University of New York at Albany. -
Jonathan D. KATZSenior Fellow in German Marshall Fund (GMF)
Jonathan Katz is director of Democracy Initiatives and a senior fellow with The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) based in the Washington, DC, office. Prior to joining GMF from 2014-17, Katz was the deputy assistant administrator in the Europe and Eurasia bureau at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), where he managed U.S. development policy, energy security, economic growth, and democracy, and governance programs in Europe and Eurasia. He led USAID programs in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Eastern and Central Europe, the Black Sea and Caucasus Regions, the Western Balkans, and regional programs that included Russia. Katz served as the U.S. government co-chair of political, economic, trade, and development working groups with the European Union, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Poland, Romania, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Prior to joining USAID, from 2010-14, Katz served as a senior advisor to the assistant secretary in the International Organization Affairs Bureau at the U.S. Department of State. In that role Katz served as a speech writer and advised the assistant secretary and other senior U.S. government officials on key national security, multilateral, and development priorities at the UN and at international organizations.
Prior to joining the State Department in 2010, Katz had several leadership roles in the U.S. Congress. From 2007-10 Katz served as the staff director of the Europe Subcommittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. From 2003-06 he was the minority staff director for the Europe and Emerging Threats Subcommittee of this Committee. From 1999-2006 he was the legislative director and senior foreign policy advisor for Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL). Katz was instrumental in the creation and leadership of the Congressional Caucus on U.S.-Turkish Relations and Turkish Americans, the Congressional Taiwan Caucus, the U.S.-Kazakhstan Interparliamentary Friendship Group, the Congressional Indonesia Caucus, and the Congressional Study Group on Turkey.
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