“USA 2020 Election and Implication on American Foreign Policy” Online Panel
Prior to next month’s US Presidential election, not only the American people but also the rest of the world are anxiously awaiting the result. American foreign policy, even as it has some basic contours, can change markedly within the context of regional politics during a Republican or Democrat administration. Besides, there may be clashes of views between the presidency and the governmental institutions, which affects the US decision making and execution processes in foreign policy. Therefore, the 2020 US Presidential election is uniquely important where the world is confronting many global and regional crises.
The rivalry in the Eastern Mediterranean has unveiled an old story: disintegration tendencies in NATO. The clash of views in US governmental institutions have put the Americans, the unifying actor of NATO, in a difficult position. In this case, the future of NATO remains a key question. On the one hand, Turkey stands as an important strategic ally of the United States and eastern border of NATO, while on the other Greece and France stand as other important members who have taken a stand against Turkey. The position of the United States will be undoubtedly the game-changer and determiner of the balance.
The other important question is the US position towards global challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic is still threatening the world and there is no concrete sign how the United States will respond in the aftermath, particularly to advances made by a China attempting to widen its influence.
DİPAM seeks to uncover answers regarding all of these questions mentioned above with the Online Panel; “USA 2020 Election and Implication on American Foreign Policy”, with the participation of Ellen WASYLINA as moderator and Prof. Dr. Çağrı ERHAN and Dr. Stephen BLANK as panelists.
Topics to be Discussed:
- Change or continuity in US foreign policy based on the winner of the presidential elections
- Projections for US foreign policy
- The importance of NATO for US and its allies
- US relations with Greece and South Cyprus , as regards Turkey and its relations with the US and its relations with these two countries.
Dr. Stephen BlankSenior Fellow in Foreign Policy Research Institute
Dr. Stephen J. Blank is Senior Fellow at FPRI’s Eurasia Program. He has published over 900 articles and monographs on Soviet/Russian, U.S., Asian, and European military and foreign policies, testified frequently before Congress on Russia, China, and Central Asia, consulted for the Central Intelligence Agency, major think tanks and foundations, chaired major international conferences in the U.S. and in Florence; Prague; and London, and has been a commentator on foreign affairs in the media in the U.S. and abroad. He has also advised major corporations on investing in Russia and is a consultant for the Gerson Lehrmann Group. He has published or edited 15 books.
Ellen WASYLINACEO of Transatlantik Global Advisory
Former President of the International Geostrategic Maritime Observatory based in Paris, France (IGMO, 2011-2018), Editor in Chief of our bi-annual flagship publication, the Geostrategic Maritime Review (GMR, 2013-2018), she is also an author, speaker, commentator, adjunct professor and mentor. Expert to EUROPAID in Algeria (2014-2015) she has more than 20 years of business leadership experience in both France, Europe and the United States. She possesses two Masters degrees done in France in French in Defense Strategy and Policies from HEI-CEDS (2005) and another Master degree in Conflict Resolution from the Institut Catholique de Paris (2006), she has written many contributions and articles in the press and in university reserach publications. Her books published in French, are “Ukraine : prémices de guerre froide en Europe?” (2014); and “La défense européenne face aux menaces : l’Europe est-elle prête pour son 11 septembre?”(2015), Harmattan , Paris; and two books in English, “Sustainability governance in a post-globalized world” (2019); “Securing the periphery of Europe post-9/11 : the Black and Mediterranean Sea axis”(2019), both on Apple Books; and finally her latest contribution was to the book “The Geopolitical Realities for Russia : from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean” (2019) under the direction of Nursin Atesoglu Güney; her chapter was “What lies behind the Ukrainian crisis and Moscow’s gains and losses?” (2019).
Prof.Dr. Çağrı ERHANRector of Altınbaş University
Member of DİPAM Advisory Board
Member of the Turkish Presidential Security and Foreign Policy BoardHe graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, Department of International Relations in 1993. In 1996, he received his MA degree in International Relations from Ankara University and concluded his Ph. D. in Hacettepe University Department of History in 2000.
Prof. Dr. Erhan started his academic career as a research assistant at AUFPS Department of International Relations in 1994. He was appointed as an academic member (2000-2002), as an assistant professor (2002-2003), as an associate professor (2003-2009) and as a full Professor (2009-2015) at the same department.
Prof. Dr. Erhan is one of the founding editors of Journal of International Relations and Review of Ankara European Studies. He has held/holds several positions at European Research Center (ATAUM), Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Center for Strategic Research (SAM), International Relations Council of Turkey (UIK), Turkish Commission of Military History, National Committee of Historiography, Editorial Board of History – Education Projects (Council of Europe), Center for International Political and Economic Relations.
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