The developments in information and communication technology in the 20th century have led to significant changes and transformations in fourth-generation warfare technology. One of these development areas is the cyberspace. The cyberspace, which is considered as the fifth battlefield, has become one of the new battlefields for states. Especially states that have technological superiority use cyber warfare tactics, including cyber attacks, cyber espionage, and cyber intelligence to expand their maneuvering space and maintain their realpolitik interests. Israel, one of these states with advanced technological superiority, actively uses the cyber domain to minimize existing threats and ensure security.
The Stuxnet attack, which is referred to as the “Pearl Harbor” of cyber warfare, caused a significant tension between Iran and Israel in 2010. Stuxnet is a turning point in both Iran-Israel relations and cyber warfare. Israel, which has carried out numerous cyber attacks since 2010, has been seen as the primary source of cyber threat with the United States against Iran. Especially with its accelerated nuclear program in the early 2000s, Iran has become a top priority on the foreign policy agendas of the United States and Israel, and has been subject to sanctions. The majority of cyber attacks against Iran were aimed at damaging nuclear facilities, stealing documents from nuclear research institutes and archives, and shaping espionage activities. In addition, assassinations were carried out against Iranian nuclear scientists. Iranian government officials held the United States and Israel responsible for the cyber attacks that took place. In the latest cyber attacks against Iran, Israel did not deny the accusations and the cyber attacks became less secretive. (Baram, 2022)